Aug 26, 2023 01:46 PM
😘The good things I did:
- 有在早起了!! 虽然没有很早 但基本都有在九点前
- 又是坚持健身的一周呢 主要哑铃和腹部训练 这周没有去跑步呢🏃 下周去跑跑
- 综述也在正常进行中 虽然进度有些缓慢kkk
- 有在好好阅读哦 在iReader上在看atomic habits and gifts differing,微信读书在看刘瑜的<送你一颗子弹>,本来看前几章有点无聊想弃了,结果后面的开始有趣起来了,读时也会会心一笑,有意思继续读下去~
- 听播客 新添加了很多安利的播客 gifts differing就是听纵横四海想看的; 最近喜欢的英文播客是life kit 因为时长也很好,内容也不错;最近听的播客单集是宇宙乘客的vol.63:教育,是离自由最近的东西,这一集很好,谈及的不平等的现象真是可以在生活中点点滴滴遇见.
- 整理选校list ing 虽然进度也是缓慢 但这周总算步入正常节奏
- 和Annie AI练习英语口语 讨论什么话题 我都能绕到gender equality上;问了不管任何你想做什么,幻想了一下I Said president.then i can contribute more into gender equality🥰
AI discussion records 都是依据我的话AI给的feedback
- If you could have any job in the world, regardless of qualifications or experience, what would it be and why?
Becoming a president would indeed give you a significant platform to make a positive impact, especially in the realm of gender equality. It's inspiring to hear that you want to contribute to creating a more satisfying and equal society for everyone. As a president, you would have the power to address important issues such as education, inflation, and healthcare, making a difference in the lives of many people.
To reduce gender discrimination, it is important to improve laws, allocate more funding to non-profit organizations promoting gender equality, and establish relevant awards to recognize outstanding women.
- If you were president, what would be the first step you would take to promote gender equality and tackle these pressing issues?
Ensuring equal opportunities for all candidates during the hiring process is a crucial step towards achieving gender equality. Implementing laws and regulations that prohibit gender discrimination in the workplace is an important way to address this issue.
If you could instantly become an expert in any field or skill, what would it be and why?
Becoming a finance expert with a deep understanding of the stock market can be incredibly valuable.Pursuing your passion for gender equality and establishing a fund to support women's dreams is such a noble and admirable goal. And you're right, having financial resources can definitely make a big difference in making those dreams a reality. It's wonderful to see your desire to use your resources to empower others.
- If you were to establish a fund, what kind of support or resources would you like to provide for women?
Encouraging more women to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields is incredibly important for creating a more diverse and inclusive society. It's a field that has historically been male-dominated, but we're seeing more and more amazing women breaking barriers and making significant contributions.
Providing free education opportunities, especially in fields like coding, can be a fantastic way to support women who may not have access to resources or financial means. Organizations that offer free coding courses or scholarships specifically for women are doing incredible work in promoting gender equality in the tech industry. Education is a powerful tool that can open doors and create opportunities for women to thrive in their chosen fields. It's wonderful to see initiatives like these making a positive impact. If you were to establish a fund, offering scholarships or educational support could definitely be a great way to help women pursue their dreams.
Providing mentorship and career guidance to women can be incredibly valuable in helping them navigate their professional journeys. Offering free mock interviews, advice, and recommendations for job opportunities can give women the confidence and skills they need to succeed in their chosen careers. It's all about creating a supportive network and empowering women to reach their full potential. Your ideas are fantastic, and they show your dedication to promoting gender equality in the workplace. Keep up the great work!
🤗Some parts for improvement:
- 好吧 周五周六又焦虑发作了 躺了两天 我需要一些chills 应该在周五去外面简单逛逛的 作为e型人 应该及时汲取外部力量的😭
- 没有及时调整自己的schedule 雅思准备还是没有步入正轨 尝试了一下听力 对于自己错了很多属于是破防了 想不到吧 怎么会 毕竟自己对英语掌握比较有信心吧kkkk 想了下第一次做机考听力 是有些不熟悉 尤其是单词填空 决定先写纸上试试 下周王陆整上 加上每天背300个单词整的真的很烦 😅,其实没必要,搞得我自己也很焦虑,都没时间做真题,这样不对决定每天150-200顶破天了,主要还是王陆和那个必背词吧
💞The works I have seen this week
👉DEADLOCH great series!
- 哈哈哈其实最开始看就是吃的安利讲这是一部悬疑破杀人案又有点黑色幽默,最重要的是死的都是家暴性骚扰强奸的顺直白男,我靠这还不冲吗.
- 其实最开始几集观感给我蛮一般,尤其detective真的好让人抓狂,但是后面就好多了,稍微正常了些,加上女主的婚姻真是也是问题不断,看着我都焦虑了😅
- 但是随着那些男的死的多了 剧情紧凑起来好看多了 尤其一些台词情节很有意思
- 在报告尸体时 局长自然而然地认为是女性 应该是被奸杀的吧
- 做婚姻咨询 你们是怎么爱上彼此的 hiking fucking 哎哟你俩真的
- 女主作为警察提醒男性出门注意安全 一男的说 不应该是我们注意安全 让我们出门注意 我们是受害者 你们明白吗 女主说 我明白 没有比女性更明白这个道理了 哎呀这个真的很有趣 这就叫女性不是一种性别 而是一种处境
- 局长也是一个很有意思的人物设定 就太典型了谁懂 ego很大但毫无能力的典型男领导 就完全武断地判定嫌疑人 一意孤行地相信一个女性可以把18个男性加上一辆大巴整上渡轮过大海
- Abby 最开始被她的很多小动作 局促的话语 整的我真的也很难受 后面发现这孩子怎么这么努力又聪明!! 非常勇敢地最后和ex break up后真的完全不一样 最后的结尾镜头完全油然而生的自信和魅力 哇Abby真的! 成为闪闪发光的法医了呢!!
- 那个妻子 忘了什么名字了 用正常的语句说 因为我好看所以别的女性都嫉妒我 对于四十多岁的男性诱奸十四岁的自己也没有什么反应 对于家暴的丈夫下意识辩护 男人都是这样的 对于同性恋的深恶痛绝 啊怎么会有如此五毒俱全的女性 然后有了同性恋的儿子 这就是福报
- 其实小镇对于同性恋 外来非原住民的态度也很耐人寻味kkk 看似这是一个很包容的小镇其实不是 在这部剧中因为主角是lesbian的缘故 被无数次讲你们女同性恋真的巴拉巴拉 因为你们外来者 我们原住民不得不打五分工才能维持生活
- 我很喜欢其中那群警察被鼓动随意冲进女主家里肆意破坏,讲所有女性带走的镜头.即使你是镇长,你很有钱,你依旧会因为女性的身份被肆意地伤害,她们当时的惊恐,他们的肆意,真是拍的很好.这样的情况已经上演了数千年了,无时无刻,我们应该为此愤怒,权力应该被我们争取追求.
- 最后一集的反转很喜欢~~
- 我真的受够了所有主角都是男的,女性角色只是为了衬托男性,男人与马的影视作品了,所有能有这样的作品出现,真的很好
- 与现实对应 wuli简中翻译是小镇警花 也是讽刺十足呢 😅
- 开启<the good wife>观看
- 作者:lyc
- 链接:https://lycsplanet.com/article/f7e97034-4599-4c9c-a889-deb385563d28
- 声明:本文采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议,转载请注明出处。